Single Mothers Program (ProMas)

Single-parent homes led by women constitute a particularly vulnerable universe due to the income limitation single mothers have, as they not only have to work to support the family but also take care of the home and the children.
Most single mothers can only access unstable jobs, with unstable incomes and no social security, which do not allow them to cover their families’ basic needs. Unemployment rate among single mothers is higher than average; this is due to their lack of qualifications, which further limits their possibilities of obtaining a good job.
Single Mothers Program
Fundación Tzedaká assists female single-parent homes with children under 18. We seek to provide conditions that break the poverty cycle so that children can break free from a family history of exclusion.
We help to cover basic needs and work with the family as a whole as well as with each individual to promote their social insertion and strengthen their skills. We provide mothers with tools to improve their employability and we create the necessary conditions to ensure that their children’s education process is efficient.
Families obtain benefits such as subsidies for housing and food, medicines for the family, transportation fares and health control.