Tzédek Donations
Tzédek, Fundación Tzedaká’s solidarity business venture, receives donations of goods that are sold at its store located on Avenida Chorroarín to raise funds for its Social Programs.
Additionally, a share of the goods received—clothes, cookware, books, etc.—were donated to other institutions and NGOs, such as:
- Casa de la Provincia (Salta Province)
- Rotary International (Moreno, Buenos Aires Province)
- Hogar de Niños Sol Naciente (Buenos Aires City)
- Oyitas (Buenos Aires Province)
- Alianza Cristiana y Misionera (Buenos Aires City)
- Hospital (Córdoba Province)
- La Esquina de Las Flores (Buenos Aires City)
- Escuela M. S. de Thompson (Isidro Casanova, Buenos Aires Province)
- Cáritas (Buenos Aires City and San Isidro, Buenos Aires Province)
- Casa del Chaco (Chaco Province)
Do you have things to donate?
Select what you don't use
Furniture, clothes, utensils, books, etc.
Contact us
0810 777 7333 [email protected]
We pick it up
FREE OF CHARGE at your address
We turn it into health and education
for thousands of people