Fundación Tzedaká’s work has received accolades from many sectors in society.

- Legislatura Porteña: Declaration of Interest of the City of Buenos Aires for Social Communication for the book “Fotos con Historia”, written by survivors of the Shoah. Holocaust Survivors Assistance Program of Fundación Tzedaká. (2024)
- “Distinciones RSC”: Foundations Category -For the National Medicines Collection Campaign (2024)
- Acknowledgement awarded by the Justice Department of Buenos Aires City – Judicature Council on the International Volunteer Day (2024)
- “Potenciá tu Proyecto” Award in the Innovation category, organized by Fundación IRSA and Fundación Garrahan, for the project “Management of Orders and Medication Requests” (2024)
- Bayer Legacy Award for the project “Improving and Strengthening the Management of the Community Medication Bank through Technological Innovation to Generate Greater Access Opportunities for the Population” (2023)
- Acknowledgement awarded by American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) (2023)
- HelpArgentina Social Leadership Awards (2022)
- Acknowledgement awarded by the Justice Department of Buenos Aires City – Judicature Council on the International Volunteer Day (2022)
- Electrosolidario —finalist for Fundación Irradia’s “Radiating Communities” award, which is granted to communities that mobilize and organize themselves to drive collaborative changes with social impact, sustainability, and transparency (2021)
- Communicative Social Responsibility Awards’ NGO Category Sustainability, Solidarity, and Communication Award for the Electrosolidario project (2020)
- Electrosolidario —nationwide finalist for the “Impactful Entrepreneurship: Rethinking My Business Model” Program organized by Mercado Libre and Mayma to enhance triple-impact businesses (2020)
- Ecumenical Social Forum’s Solidarity Entrepreneurship Award for the refurbished appliance repair and marketing project, a joint program carried out by our Foundation and a company called Newsan (2019)
- Communicative Social Responsibility Awards’ NGO Category Sustainability, Solidarity, and Communication Award for the Solidarity Knitters project (2019)
- Honors Diploma awarded by the Senate of Argentina in recognition to Fundación Tzedaká’s Holocaust Survivors Assistance Program (2018)
- Special acknowledgement awarded by the nonprofit organization Solidagro in the Health category (2018)
- Acknowledgement awarded by the Justice Department of Buenos Aires City – Judicature Council on the International Volunteer Day (2018)
- Golden Echo Latam Award from Latin America’s Direct and Interactive Marketing Association for public good campaigns, Content category (2017)
- Golden Echo Latam Award from Latin America’s Direct and Interactive Marketing Association for public good campaigns, Social Media category (2017)
- Buenos Aires City’s Judiciary, Magistrates’ Council, recognition on the International Volunteers’ Day (2016)
- 2016 Shem Tov (Good Name) Award, FACCMA (2016)
- Social Sector Forum’s recognition to Tzedaká Foundation’s 25-year track record (2016)
- Special mention at Social Communication Responsibility Awards (2015)
- Recognition by General Las Heras’ Rotary Club for Tzedaká Foundation’s medicine donations (2015) (2015)
- DAIA Award (2015)
- Lions Club’s 2015 Melvin Jones Honorary Mention
- Buenos Aires City’s Legislative Body’s distinction for Tzedaká Foundation’s Human Rights’ Promotion and Defense Efforts (2015)
- ESOMAR Foundation’s Award to Tzedaká Foundation’s UNI University Scholarship Program (2014)
- Chacra Magazine and Banco Galicia’s Award to Tzedaká Foundation’s Community Medicine Bank (2013)
- Finalist, Obrar Award, for Tzedaká Foundation’s National Medicine Collection Campaign (2013)
- DAIA Award, Solidarity category (2012)
- Dubai Best Practice Award to Tzedaká Foundation’s Community Medicine Bank
- Argentine Senate’s Honorary Diploma (2011)
- AVON Foundation funding for Tzedaká Foundation’s 2011 breast cancer prevention campaign (2011)
- AMIA Award to community social work (2011)
- Finalist, Banco Galicia’s Solidarity Management on the Field (2011)
- Swiss Embassy Award, Local Cooperation Fund (2011)
- World Bank’s LAC Development Marketplace Award (2010)
- COPIDIS’ recognition for Healthcare work in the area of inclusion of people with special abilities (2010)
- ISALUD Award, Healthcare and Society category (2010)
- Simon Wiesenthal Center’s recognition to Tzedaká Foundation’s Assistance Program for Holocaust Survivors (2010)
- Social Communication Responsibility Award (2009)
- Social Sector Forum’s Social Solidarity Entrepreneurship Award (2006 and 2008)
- Argentine Creative Circle Silver Tooth Direct Marketing Campaign Award (2005)
- National AMDIA Awards (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2010)
- AMAUTA Latin American Awards (2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, and 2010)
- Konex Awards, Merit Diploma (1998)