We are still here in these trying times

Here at Tzedaká we join our forces to continue helping vulnerable population in every area: comprehensive help, food, health, education. We have to reinforce our solidarity in these trying times, and that is why we want to let you know how we are working.

Comprehensive assistance

We have been delivering lunches everyday to those in need since the beginning of this quarantine. Our Tzedek truck, which was used to collect donations before, is now the vehicle to deliver lunches, medicines, diapers and basic products. We have also increased the food subsidies for families and we keep in touch constantly with each beneficiary family through Whatsapp or phone.


The Community Bank of Medicines continues working to guarantee the medicine supply for all of our beneficiaries and those of other community organizations. We also send medicine donations to hospitals.


We carry on working individually with children and teenagers providing school support and psychopedagogy sessions online, so as not to interrupt their treatments. We continue paying for scholarships across all our educative programs: ABC-Socioeducative Inclusion for Children, IDEA-Educative Inclusion for Teenagers, and UNI-Support for University Students. We also provide guidance for youths who support their homes and lost their income, so that they can regroup and apply for public help.

Help for Holocaust Survivors

We made sure to continue helping them, not only with monetary and material support but also with phonecalls, offers, and activities to work on from afar. All their workshops continue working in online form, in their regular schedule. We have also provided smartphones and tablets for those who did not have them so that they can take part and be involved.

Special Help Programs

GUESHER: We have implemented the Emergency Assistance Program GUESHER, with the objective of providing help to Jewish families in Buenos Aires City and the greater Buenos Aires area whose activity was interrupted during quarantine, and who are now in a vulnerable situation. It is a temporary economic assistance program, and it is meant to cover their basic needs of food, health, and housing for a maximum period of six months. Joint is supporting the execution of this program.

ITJÁ: Thanks to the creation of an Extraordinary Help Fund set by Hogar LeDor VaDor, the Community Social Protection Network consisting of AMIA, Fundación Tzedaká and Fundación Jabad Lubavitch launched “Itjá-With you”, a program to aid vulnerable people over 70 years of age.