Eletrosolidario, the joint venture created by Fundación Tzedaká and Newsan, a company that manufactures, markets, and distributes appliances and electronics, hosted a training session and a 2021 evaluation meeting—the first in-person event held since the beginning of the pandemic. The teams from the 4 Production Units that participate in this project—repairing and refurbishing products—all attended this event held at Tzédek.

Edy Att, Tzédek’s director, welcomed participants alongside Milagros García, Newsan’s Sustainability head. The event continued with integration exercises and “express training sessions” to review some repair and packing issues in order to improve the customer experience.

After sharing a luncheon, attendants took a look at the project’s accomplishments in 2021. Marcela Cominelli, Newsan’s Legal Counsel and Public Affairs manager, voiced everyone’s satisfaction with the outcomes of this project. Finally, awards were presented to the groups that had an outstanding performance throughout the year.

This compelling event has renewed our energy to rise to Electrosolidario’s challenges in 2022.