On 20 September, after 3 years, we finally gathered again at the Tzedaká Solidarity Night in which 650 people filled the yellow pavilion of La Rural in Buenos Aires in a memorable night to celebrate solidarity. It was hosted by Guillermo Andino and Carolina Prat; the president of Fundación Tzedaká, Javier Suez, shared a few words and we celebrated the 30th anniversary of  Fundación Tzedaká along with all its former presidents.

We also heard the testimonies of two women who were able to transform their lives with the support of Fundación Tzedaká. Today they are both self-sufficient, one has a university degree and the other has a job, is eager to start studying and all her four children are in college.

The highlight of the night was the show by Zorrito Von Quintiero along with los GustocK and Hilda Lizarazu, it was pure talent and soul.

Many thanks to all those who make the solidarity work of Fundación Tzedaká possible!