Solidary Students at Iom Tzedaká

We have once again carried out the solidary initiative Iom Tzedaká, which has the double objective of raising awareness about solidarity among the little ones, as well as raising funds so that vulnerable youths can remain in the educative system.

Children from various elementary schools all over the country baked lekach (honey cakes), which were later on bought by the schools’ families. This year, the following schools joined us: Bet El, Beth, Bialik Devoto, Bialik La Plata, Martín Buber, Natan Gesang, ORT, Scholem Aleijem, Tarbut, Yeshurun Torá, and Weitzman. We also counted on Colegio Israelita Gral. San Martín from Córdoba’s, Escuela Hebrea Dr. Hertzl from Bahía Blanca’s, and Escuela Hebrea Martín Buber from Paraná’s help, from the interior of the country. Madrichim School from Hacoaj also took part of this initiative.

In addition, high school students donated the money equivalent to their lunch to help vulnerable youths stay in school. For this activity, Escuela Martín Buber, Scholem Aleijem, ORT and Yeshurun Tora joined us.

The money raised in both cases will be destined to Tzedaká’s educative programs, so that hundreds of students can stay in school and get ready for the future despite their families’ economic hardships.

Thanks to everyone who joined us!

If you also want to help the educative programs, click here.