Solidary Bat Mitzvah project

As part of her solidary Bat Mitzvah project, Maya Puterman chose Fundación Tzedaká to channel her help. Inspired by her mom’s volunteer work –Debora Benhabib collaborates with us from New York–, Maya decided to help children in need from Argentina. Together, Maya and Debora carried out an activity to raise funds for the ABC Program of Socio-Educational Inclusion for Children in elementary school.
During a very fun afternoon, about 25 friends of Maya’s and their moms got together in her house to make challah. Faya Lipskier and Chana Kugel from Chabad of the West Sixties in New York helped with their project, and we send them our special thanks.
Congratulations to Maya for her Bat Mitzvah and thanks for this solidary celebration! We hope her action inspires many others to help those who need it the most.