With the goal of continuously strengthening dialogue and cooperation, we met with different governmental and institutional leaders.

● We met with the Consul General of Argentina in New York, Santiago Villalba.

● We were received by the national senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri. Fundación Tzedaká was represented by Betina Rosental, Executive Director and Marcela Szuchman, Director of Social Programs.

● Sergio Kuchevasky, General Director of Hogar LeDor VaDor, received us at the institution.

● We met at DAIA with Dr. Jorge Knoblovits, President of DAIA; Pedro Berestovoy, 1st Deputy Secretary; and Gabriel Anmuth, 4th Vice President. Fundación Tzedaká was represented by President, Javier Suez, and Executive Director, Betina Rosental.