The Annual Medicine Sorting Day was carried out on November 4th, with the participation of more than 450 volunteers; it was the first one after the pandemic. Representatives of social organizations, people with disabilities, companies, school students and volunteers joined this beautiful network of solidarity to transform the donations received during the 16th National Medicine Collection Campaign into medical treatment for thousands of people throughout the country.

The president of Fundación Tzedaká, Javier Suez, shared words of gratitude to the attendees and Fabián Furman presented the work of our Community Medicine Bank, which so far in 2022, has distributed free medication for ARS $341 million, reaching an estimated population of more than 35,000 people throughout Argentina, as well as health emergencies like the fires in Corrientes province and even humanitarian aid for Ukraine..

Many thanks to all those who contributed their energy and solidarity to this Medicine sorting Day!