Fundación Tzedaká promotes training by providing the tools that enable a vulnerable population to join the labor market. Currently 100 people around the country participate in the online training sessions, as they try to adapt to a new reality and find new ways to secure a livelihood.

During the first half of the year, four overall job training programs were carried out, enabling participants to incorporate new knowledge and tools to optimize their job finding potential. The courses designed focus on Digital Marketing, Digital Advertising, and Digital Proficiency, and they are delivered by Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) via the Rojas Cultural Center, which issues the certificates.

In addition, course participants received job counseling, and some were awarded a connectivity grant, as they could not afford WI-FI services.

We share below some of the messages sent by course participants, as they conveyed their satisfaction with the training received. (These images are for illustrative purposes. The messages were translated.)