In an effort to continue strengthening dialogue and cooperation ties, we met with governmental and institutional representatives.

  • Organized by Joint, we received the visit of a group of young Americans from the “ENTWINE” program, which promotes that members of federations from different parts of the world get to know Jewish communities and their organizations.
  • We were present at the annual Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce event along with its president Mario Montoto, and the Israeli ambassador Eyal Sela.
  • Javier Suez, President of Fundación Tzedaká, was invited to the reception for the first group of graduates of the Menora UP Program at San Martín Palace. He was received by Rabbi Isaac Sacca, founder and president of Menora, World Youth Organization.
  • Inbal Sela, wife of the Israeli Ambassador to Argentina, came to share a musical moment at the Literature Workshop of the assistance Program for Holocaust Survivors.
  • Betina Rosental, Executive Director of Fundación Tzedaká, who is also a member of RACI’s Executive Committee, participated in its annual event at the British Embassy.