The book “Fotos con Historia” (Photos with History), presented at the Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art, is a compilation of stories by seventeen writers and Shoah survivors who have participated in Tzedaká’s Holocaust Survivors Program.

The event, tinged with emotion, attracted over 200 attendees. Speakers included Fabiana Loguzzo, Argentine Ambassador to IHRA’s; journalist Diego Sehinkman; Lea Zajac Novera, who spoke on behalf of Shoah survivors; Javier Suez, Fundación Tzedaká’s president; and Betina Rosental, Fundación Tzedaká’s executive director.

This is the fourth book published by Fundación Tzedaká, a collection of stories written by survivors as part of a Writing Workshop which provides them with effective tools —based on different approaches— to put untold stories and silenced emotions into words.

The book received a lot of media attention. Check out the article in Clarín newspaper and the news report on DirectTV’s DNEws (Spanish only).
