End-of-the-year breakfast – Assistance Program for Holocaust Survivors

With the Holocaust survivors in our Program, we celebrated the end of another year filled with activities and workshops at a very moving event, where the book Fotos con Historia was recognized by the Buenos Aires City Legislature as significant for Social Communication.

Hosted by Julian Weich and including a speech by Raschi Mehl, Fundación Tzedaká’s Honorary President, the celebration took place at the Lamroth Hakol Community, whose hospitality we greatly appreciate.

Recognition from the Buenos Aires City Legislature

The event served as the setting where we received an important recognition from the Buenos Aires City Legislature for the book Fotos con Historia, which was declared of interest for Social Communication. Pamela Malewicz, Buenos Aires City’s Under Secretary for Human Rights, and Buenos Aires City Legislature’s member Claudio Romero presented Fundación Tzedaká with an Honor Certificate that was joyfully welcomed.

The celebration featured a particularly compelling moment, when actor Martin Seefeld read one of the stories in the book, standing next to its author, Holocaust survivor Pedro Polacek.

And, of course, there was music as well! We enjoyed a lovely performance by the Survivors’ Choir, in addition to Gastón Saied’s outstanding show.


Read more about the Shoah Survivors Program