The school year is in full swing, and so is our work supporting the education of children and young people from vulnerable families. Here are some of the many activities we’ve been working on lately:
Cole – Kids go to Jewish school
Cole is Fundación Tzedaká’s scholarship program created to ensure that no family has to withdraw their Jewish schooling for financial reasons. Today, the COLE Program supports 164 participants, including boys, girls and teenagers who have the school year covered, and 106 students who receive a school lunch scholarship.

Workshop “IDEAs to organize myself”
This workshop was aimed at participants of the IDEA Program who are in their first year of high school. The goal was to support the students’ learning process by providing them with different study tools, using a variety of games and participatory activities.

UNI – Computer delivery
Tamir Yaser is a participant in our UNI Program from the province of Mendoza. He began studying Information Systems Engineering at the university this year but didn’t have a computer. Tamir was selected to receive a laptop due to his academic commitment and need for adequate technological resources. This tool will enhance his performance in his studies and facilitate his integration into university life.

Labor Training Program
First-Job Workshops for IDEA Program Graduates: We worked with 16 young graduates who participated in this workshop. We addressed their fears, and insecurities related to employment and the workplace. All participants created their own CVs.
Read more about our Educational Programs