Donations of knitted clothing

The cold is here, but the warmth of solidary hands always protects. Last May 30th, we delivered a lovely donation of clothes made by our solidary weavers to the EEPI (Early Childhood Educative Space, by its Spanish acronym) in Sholem Buenos Aires. Even though we could not hand them in personally, 170 clothing items –blankets, hats, scarves, sweaters, and colorful vests– were distributed. And last weekend, we also delivered knitted items to Villaguay, Entre Ríos, through a social organization “Pies en Marcha”. Children are very happy with their new clothes and are kept warm!

We are adding more and more clothes every day, lovingly knitted by our weavers. These items are donated to various social organizations all over the country. In addition, every Wednesday in June at 2 PM (Argentina time), we will be conducting our solidary Knitting Workshop, open to the public. You will be able to see it live on our Facebook page, and we will learn something new every week. Join us!

If you want to donate knitted clothes or send wool, please write to [email protected]