Argentina is undergoing one of the worst crises in history: with yearly inflation rates exceeding 200%, more families need assistance every day. Even amidst the pain caused by the situation in Israel, we must continue to live up to our mission of helping the members of our community who desperately need our support in Argentina.
At Fundación Tzedaká, we work tirelessly to mitigate the harsh reality of poverty. We strive to ensure that every family has a roof over their heads and food on their tables, to offer youths and adults the training they require to make a decent living, to support children so that they finish school—getting a complete education from kindergarten all the way through college, regardless of their parents’ financial constraints—and to provide everyone who is sick with the medicines and care they need.
In addition to celebrating New Yorkers’ solidarity with those in dire straits in Argentina and this wonderful opportunity to get together, we will also honor three people who are very dear to our organization:
- Sandra Justin: Her life has been linked to Fundación Tzedaká since its inception: her father, Ufilas Schmoller (Z’L), was one of its founders. Sandra has followed in his footsteps, generously supporting Tzedaká from New York.
- Nicolas y Federico Kogan: Active volunteers and committed donors of Fundación Tzedaká, these siblings extend their brotherly bond to help the neediest members of our community in Argentina.